We would like to help!
Your health is important for us and we would like to help you retain it easier. It has taken a long time till we could get masks. However, eventually, we could get them. Therefore, we will give you a certified 3 layer one-time use mask for each GSM/IP communicator and remote controller (GSM/WiFi/Bluetooth). Important!!! Not for every order, but for every GSM/IP module. Therefore, you will be able to wear a sterile mask at every installation to comply with the new measurements.
If you are our distributor, we ask you to give it to your installers! We will pack the masks for each module. Thus, you will be able to handle it easily without having any additional tasks with it.
For how long can we provide this gift?
This is not a regular promotion that has a determined expiration, but real help. At first, we have purchased hundreds of pieces. Hence, till there is the availability and till our partners are happy to receive the masks we will provide it as a gift. When you place an order, please let us know whether you require the mask!
We hope that you will be our healthy and satisfied partner in the future as well.